Citykani mobile app

Citykani (city rabbit) was a school group project by me, Karoline Kwon and Ian Tuomi in a course called Dynamic Visualization Design 2. During the spring 2014 we came up with an app idea that is about facilitating spontaneous happenings and meetings in a 24 hour time window.

With the app you can see what's going on around you and create your own events. Citykani is meant to bring people together with small spontaneous events that are happening very soon. For example you can create an event to have jogging company or to have some people to play a card game in a park with you.

You can find our presentation with more information here.

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I'm Salla Vasenius, a graphic designer and someone who likes to draw, play improv theater, make films and do all kinds of creative stuff. I live in Helsinki and have studied new media in Aalto Arts school since autumn 2013.

If you have some interesting projects, please contact me: sallav (ät)


I wanted to create a blog for all that interesting stuff I do at school and in my free time.

So this is NOT really a portfolio, this is more like a collection of everything inspiring and creative I've been doing.